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Energy efficiency certifications

Energy efficiency certifications

Three light bulbs switched on between plants at floor level

Energy Certifications​

Energy savings and efficiency are the best and cheapest ways to tackle issues such as energy security, external dependency, high prices and environmental concerns. The energy audit, together with measurement and verification, are the key points for managing energy. 90% of companies that have implemented and certified a management system as per UNE-EN ISO 50001 recommend it. Similarly, they state that it generates a systematic savings of between 5% and 30% of the current energy cost for organizations, which represents an innovation milestone and an improvement in the quality and efficiency of a product or service. AENOR certification in different fields of energy provides assurance to all participants in the process as to the quality of work obtained; provides recognition of the validity of this work to third parties, finds financing channels and offers assurance around the cost saving measures.

AENOR helps you to benefit from energy efficiency grants provided by the government, submitting the report that proves that your company has made technological improvements to industrial equipment and processes, or certifying your ISO 50001 as a guarantee of the correct implementation of an energy management system. Learn more here


Types of energy certifications

Digital thermostat

Energy consumers

Miniature house with solar panels on the roof

Service Providers


December 2022 - No. 386

News involving grants for electricity-intensive consumers

There are new developments in the grants included in the Statute of Electro-Intensive Consumers for 2023: the number of sectors has been increased and it differentiates between two levels of consumers.


​​​​​​​​April 2022 - No. 379

How to access the grants for electro-intensive consumers

Companies that are energy intensive users can now request the subsidies included in the Statute for Electro-intensive Consumers for the charges incurred during 2021, as well as the additional subsidies for 2022.


September 2021 - Nº 372

New verification solution for electro-intensive companies

The new AENOR verification for electro-intensive industries is a mandatory verification for companies that wish to obtain the subsidies provided for in Royal Decree 1106/2020 of the Spanish Electro-intensive Statute.


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