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Economic growth and governance

Economic growth and governance

AENOR supports the dissemination of trusted models

While economic growth is an essential factor for the private sector to create jobs and income, it requires more activities to benefit particularly the most disadvantaged population and sectors. The respective strategies towards inclusive growth must strengthen micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to build links with dynamic markets.

There is also no causal link between trade, growth and poverty alleviation. The main intervening variable that controls this relationship is a coherent government policy. International trade will only translate into economic growth and subsequently offer opportunities to reduce poverty if a country clearly identifies its trade interests and converts them into coherent policies, regulations and trading strategies. In this area, good governance practices help to improve the functioning of public and private institutions to promote this growth, which will lead to an alleviation of existing inequalities.

Our areas of knowledge:

Regional economic integration has the potential to promote the economic well-being of countries and a region as a whole. It creates larger markets and new business opportunities.

Apart from economic impacts, economic integration also has a political dimension. It tends to have a positive effect on the security and stability of a region, on the bargaining power of the states participating in international negotiations and on financial cooperation in regional projects. However, not all countries benefit equally from regional integration. The least developed states tend to face high adaptation costs when focusing on developing regions. Therefore, compensatory policies and mechanisms are crucial to promote even regional economic development. In this regard, AENOR has implemented several projects to support regional economic integration policies to promote links that can create new opportunities at a regional level.

Apart from coherent government policies, the critical elements for a successful trade policy are institutional capacities at all levels, from commercial analysis, to the implementation of commercial obligations, and the participation of all relevant stakeholders in the process of formulating commercial policy. Transparency in governance bodies is a crucial element both for the proper functioning of institutions and the strategies they have put in place. All of this, in turn, helps to increase of foreign confidence to operate in these markets, hence the importance of promoting good governance initiatives.

AENOR has the skills and knowledge to work to strengthen how states operate and offer services to their citizens in a way that fosters transparency, integration and citizen participation, with a particular focus on promoting security and the rule of law, which, ultimately, support foreign investment and the competitive potential of a country.

Competitive skills and the demand for work in the market are crucial to the society in which we live. However, these two elements do not automatically lead to employment. Many labour markets show a substantial mismatch between the skills required by employers and those possessed by job seekers. The lack of reliable information on the labour market, transparency and guidance on the labour market further hampers the precise correspondence of graduates with industry demand.

The services provided by AENOR in this area are aimed at improving the functioning of the labour market through the systematic collection of information and the provision of relevant services from the responsible institutions and authorities, such as ministries of labour, employment agencies, career offices in educational institutions, as well as private companies that wish to improve the qualifications of their employees in order to compete in new markets.

The improvement of information on the labour market makes it possible to adopt more specific training and recycling measures for job seekers, which is why AENOR's Training area has more than 20 years of experience providing professional training at all levels to better adapt professionals to an increasingly changing and demanding world of work.

Project references

Success stories

Strengthening of the quality of MSMEs in the Dominican Republic

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Evaluation of the CEMPROMYPE Institutional Strategic Plan

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Technical assistance INTEC-SIECA project

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