El Certificado de Conformidad de AENOR para instalaciones de conversión fotovoltaica de la energía solar garantiza el cumplimiento de los requisitos aplicables para la calidad del suministro eléctrico en el sistema a partir de fuentes de energía renovables, permitiendo a su poseedor acreditar la correcta ejecución y cumplimiento de los requisitos expuestos en los reglamentos en vigor, como el procedimiento de operación P.O. 12.3 Response requirements in the event of voltage dips and Royal Decree 1565/2010, which governs and modifies certain aspects regarding the activity of electricity production under the special regime, and Royal Decree 661/2007, which governs the activity of electricity production under the special regime.
When certifying photovoltaic conversion systems, a notified body like AENOR is essential to carrying out the installation process.
This certificate applies to Photovoltaic Installations; any installation producing over 2 MW must meet its requirements. AENOR certifies a photovoltaic installation's handling of voltage dips with a regular five-year monitoring, in accordance with requirements detailed in the OP 12.3.
This certification covers these products:
Crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules (PV) for land use in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 61215.
Thin-film photovoltaic modules (PV) for land applications in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 61646.
Thin-film concentrated photovoltaic modules and systems (CPV) for land applications in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 61646.
The AENOR Certificate of Conformity allows owners of installations to meet the requirements established in the Royal Decree 661/2007 on a technical and documentary basis. This Royal Decree regulates the capacity of installations to remain connected to the electricity system without becoming disconnected due to voltage dips and, therefore, avoiding delays and/or non-compliance penalties.
AENOR's Certificate of Conformity is recognised on a global level.
The certification process consists primarily of:
Shipment and documentary analysis of the installation.
Subsequent visit to the photovoltaic installation to verify the data included in the documentation and perform a visit report.
Assessment of the process so that, if approved, the certificate can be granted and issued. The certificate is valid for 5 years, provided that the conditions under which it was granted are not modified.
When renewing the certificate, AENOR will visit the installation for verification purposes and will analyse the documentation if modifications have been made to the installation.
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ISO 50001
Energy management systems
The ISO 50001 certification ensures the systematic control and continual improvement of energy-based aspects
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