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Training on information technology and cybersecurity

Training on information technology and cybersecurity

Courses on cybersecurity, NIS 2, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, audits and much more

In an increasingly digitized world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become the driving force for innovation and progress in all areas of society and the economy.

In this exciting field, courses on cybersecurity, NIS 2, ISO 27001, ISO 20000 and information security are essential for keeping up to date with the latest trends, tools and best practices. For this reason, we offer a wide range of courses designed to improve your technology skills and open up new opportunities in the exciting world of ICT.

Whether you are taking your first steps or looking to specialize in a specific area, our courses on cybersecurity and information technology are designed to adapt to your needs and schedule, offering you the flexibility and knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting field.

Join AENOR and start your journey to a successful career in Information Technology or Cybersecurity!

Specific Information Technology courses

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AENOR's Information Technology courses are aimed at training experts on cybersecurity, ISO 27001, ISO 20000 and information security.

The broad range of training courses lead to certifications as lead and chief auditors, implementation specialists and cybersecurity management experts. These courses not only teach students how to be cybersecurity experts, but also how to use the knowledge gained to take part in the constant improvement of the data protection systems in their business environments.

Our information technology courses also cover more specific areas such as legal aspects, cloud security, the Internet of Things (IoT), digital evidence management systems (DEMS) and, in general, all the safety management basics related to the interpretation and application of the most important certification standards in each field: ISO 270001, ISO 270002, ISO 20000.

The profile of students attending cybersecurity and information technology courses varies depending on the requirements of each course. AENOR qualifications are more geared to ICT managers and other IT and cybersecurity specialists and managers, who are familiar with the tools and methodologies in the sector. The IT service management and information security courses, by contrast, have no specific pre-requisites, although it is always advisable to know the basic concepts and rules governing the operation of these departments.

Although the online and streaming (Live Training) formats prevail, there is an option to complete some courses in this extensive training line-up in person or in blended format. Learning and acquiring specific skills to perform the tasks of an information security specialist is very similar in all the training options, with a special emphasis on networking and using the most up-to-date tools and content.