El aim is to certify the capacity of electric power generation facilities that use photovoltaic energy as an exclusive source of primary energy (group b.1.1 of Royal Decree 661/2007), to remain coupled to the electricity system without becoming disconnected due to voltage dips directly associated with any clear short circuits the system may experience.
This certification is aimed at companies that own electric power generation facilities that use photovoltaic energy as an exclusive source of primary energy (group b.1.1. of Royal Decree 661/2007).
AENOR is accredited by ENAC (01/C-PR130) for the certification of the response of wind energy power facilities to power shortfalls.
This characteristic is required from photovoltaic facilities that are part of power groups of more than 2 MW, in accordance with Royal Decree 1565/2010, of 19 of November, which specifies the mandatory requirement to comply with the provisions in this regard indicated in the operational procedure (O.P.) 12.3 (approved by the Resolution of 4 October 2006 of the General Secretariat of Energy of the Ministry of Industry Tourism and Trade).
In order to grant the Certificate of Conformity for appropriate response of photovoltaic power facilities to voltage drops, the following are conducted:
Testing of inverters and (where relevant) FACTS devices (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) installed to ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements.
On-site inspection of the photovoltaic facility to check for the effective implementation of the solutions that enable these requirements to be met.
Checking models of both power inverters and FACTS devices.
Simulation of how the photovoltaic facility will behave if there is a voltage dip.
Once the certification process is complete, the organisation will obtain conformity certificates indicating that the photovoltaic facility complies with Operational Procedure O.P. 12.3 on Requirements for a response to voltage dips, approved by the Ruling of 4 November 2006 passed by the General Secretariat of Energy
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ISO 50001
Energy management systems
The ISO 50001 certification ensures the systematic control and continual improvement of energy-based aspects
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