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AENOR N Mark for cements

AENOR N Mark for cements

AENOR N Mark for cements

​The AENOR N Mark certifies conformity with the requirements applicable to cement, demonstrating conformity with the Instruction for Receiving Cements (RC-16) and the applicable articles of the Structural Code.

The AENOR N mark requires that cements comply not only with the requirements in the standards, it also goes beyond, since it guarantees compliance with both national and European regulatory requirements, including the Instruction for Receiving Cements (RC-16), the part of the Structural Code that applies to cement, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006, meaning the AENOR N Mark complies with the requirement on water-soluble chromium content in cement.

The AENOR N Mark for cements is accredited by the Spanish Accreditation Body (ENAC):

  • It provides a quality seal as per the Instruction for Receiving Cements (RC-16) and it has been declared by the relevant agency as an alternative to regulatory approval, in accordance with Royal Decree 1313/1988, which states that the cement used in manufacturing concrete and mortar must be approved for all kinds of pre-manufactured works and products.

  • For certification activity in accordance with the regulatory requirements of cements not subject to the CE mark (white cements resistant to seawater and to SRC sulphates).

  • To authorize distribution centres for all types of cement, in accordance with Royal Decree 605/2006, which approves the procedures for the application of Standard UNE-EN 197-2 with regard to cements not subject to the CE mark and distribution centres for all types of cement.

The AENOR certification enables manufacturers to place cement on the market, and reassures users as it minimizes the risk taken by consumers. It therefore facilitates on-site reception, reducing mandatory controls and thus facilitating the technical and documentary management on site, with the ensuing cost reductions for all sides.

A very notable feature of AENOR certification is the monitoring of certified cement on the market, thus not only guaranteeing that the product complies with the established provisions, but also that it maintains the same characteristics and properties as when it was manufactured.

1. Cement in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 197-1

  1. Portland cement
  2. Portland compound cement
  3. Blast furnace cement
  4. Pozzolanic cement
  5. Compound cement

Some of the above cement products may also contain the following properties:

  • Sulphate resistance
  • Low hydration heat
  • Low initial resistance

2. Cement resistant to sulphates, according to Standard UNE 80303-1 (not included in Standard UNE-EN 197-1)

3. Cement resistant to sea water, according to Standard UNE 80303-2

4. Cement with low hydration heat, according to Standard UNE-EN 14216

5. Cement for masonry, according to Standard-EN 413-1

6. White cements as per Standard UNE 80305. And comply with any of the following standards: UNE-EN 197-1, UNE-EN 14216 or UNE EN 413-1​

7. Calcium aluminate cement, according to Standard UNE-EN 14647

8. Super sulphated cement, according to Standard UNE-EN 15743

9. Cements with additional specifications: any of the above cements that, due to the needs of the market or the manufacturer itself, satisfy a requirement with a quantifiable and specific property in accordance with a standardized procedure

10. Special cement, according to Standard UNE 80307

11. CEM II/C-M compound Portland cement and CEM VI compound cement, as per Standard UNE-EN 197-5

In addition to the benefits offered by all the products that bear the AENOR N Mark.

The manufacturer obtains:

  • Security in compliance with the Chrome VI​ content.
  • It complies with the Instruction for Receiving Cement (RC-16), approved by Royal Decree 256/2016, which lays out the technical specifications that cement must comply with until it is delivered. This is so thanks to the voluntary AENOR N Mark, which certifies its conformity with regulatory rules and stipulations.
  • The AENOR N Mark is recognized by the Ministry as an officially recognized logo of RC-16, which identifies products with a greater level of guarantee than the minimum required by RC-16, as they are subject to rigorous product controls during the manufacturing process, external verification via testing at ENAC accredited laboratories in accordance with EN ISO 17025 and audits and inspections of facilities, raw materials and quality control system. Certified cement is also monitored in the market
  • AENOR is accredited by ENAC to issue its certificates in accordance with the EN ISO 17065 standard, and it is endorsed by the government agency responsible for the official recognition.​

For planners and builders:

  • Streamlines the calculation and design of the structure
  • Favourable calculation criteria (lower safety coefficients for materials, small anchor lengths, etc.)
  • Before receiving the materials, it reduces the required documentary control and, in some cases, allows the company to avoid inspecting the raw materials, the manufacturer's facilities and the preliminary product testing
  • In the supply phase, it prevents the need for experimental verifications, removing all testing during on-site reception, representing significant savings when monitoring work quality
  • Collaboration with industry professionals

For management and the owner:

  • Provides confidence by having more information on the products placed on site, including their traceability and factory controls.
  • Rigorous quality control at the factory
  • Simplified control programme
  • Savings on monitoring work
  • Reduction of non-conforming products and associated costs
  • Quick intervention during incidences affecting product quality
  • ​Participation of an independent certification entity and the Public Administration
  • Risk reduction
  • Elimination of bad practices​
  • Guarantee of required environmental compliance (ISMA)


By continually assessing cement on a monthly, quarterly and half-yearly basis, it is possible to pre-empt any incidents that may arise in connection with meeting compliance criteria.

AENOR uses comparison tools to monitor the manufacturer's laboratory. Manufacturers also use these tools to monitor their own activities so that relevant corrections can be performed and deviations avoided.

AENOR also checks that manufacturers' laboratories comply with the assurance requirements of laboratories that are verified via five annual inter-laboratory programmes and with the participation of a long list of both national and international laboratories (accredited, official, manufacturers, monitoring).

AENOR subjects cutting devices to monitoring programmes in order to ensure that the reference equipment AENOR uses serves as an assurance standard for the manufacturer and as a monitoring standard for the verifying laboratory.

The measuring equipment AENOR uses in its factory inspections features the calibrations used by ENAC accredited laboratories in order to ensure metrological traceability.

  • Annual audit as per the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard for manufacturing and distribution in the factory and at all distribution points and as regards monitoring transportation
  • Three annual inspection visits in the factory installations, laboratory and distribution points
  • Taking monthly samples of the cement being distributed, both in bulk and bagged, for testing by an established laboratory accredited by ENAC
  • The manufacturer performs comparison checks of these samples in order to apply any corrections and analyse any variations in the way different laboratories apply ABBE secondary statistical criteria
  • Checking compliance with individual values over and above the standardised individual requirement
  • Monthly, quarterly and half-yearly assessment of additional compliance and checks
  • Taking samples from products on the market and assessing cement compliance and stock
  • Taking samples of the raw materials and performing tests: both the compliance of the raw materials and their origin are tracked
  • Controlling and monitoring performance times and communication of the results of both comparison and self-monitoring checks
  • Monitoring differences between verification laboratories and factories
  • Performing five annual inter-laboratory programmes
  • Half-yearly campaigns to monitor cutting devices, performed by both AENOR and the verification laboratories
  • Verification of compliance with the water-soluble chromium VI content of cement via inspections, audits and testing of both bulk and bagged cement
  • Accredited compliance procedure for Distribution Centre authorisations
  • For those cases where additional specifications must be checked using standardized methods in accordance with the relevant regulations due to the market's, the users' or the manufacturer's own requirements.
Logo AENOR N Mark for cement​​

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European Passport

​​The CE MARK is a passport for building products

The CE mark provides access to the European Economic Area for construction products