Under VCS, projects are issued unique carbon credits known as verified carbon units or VCU. Each VCU represents a reduction or elimination of one tonne of carbon dioxide CO equivalent2e achieved by a project. lograda por un proyecto.
AENOR, as a validation and verification entity, evaluates projects according to the VCS Programme rules and the requirements of the applied methodology. AENOR conducts an independent assessment, which is essential to guaranteeing the integrity of the projects registered in the VCS Programme. All VCS projects complete a rigorous development and assessment process before registering in the VCS Programme.
VCS projects use a wide range of technologies in different 15 sectors, including renewable energy, forestry, waste management and transportation.
VCS validation or verification can be integrated with CCBS validation or verification (Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards). These standards identify projects that simultaneously tackle climate change while supporting local communities, small farms and measures that protect biodiversity. They can be applied to any land management project, including projects that are also certified under the VCS Programme
Find more information at VERRA: CCB Projects.
Depending on the contracted service, and once the audit process has been completed, the customer obtains a validation or verification report used for management under the VCS Registry
As an Operational Company Accredited by UNFCCC for validating and verifying CDM projects within industry fields 1 through 15, AENOR is recognised by VCS to carry out VCS validations and verifications.
Since 2008, AENOR has been performing VCS validation and verification projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia.