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Storage systems inspection

Storage systems inspection

The Inspection that helps you to comply with the Standard

These storage systems are considered work equipment and, as such, fall under its legislative and regulatory umbrella. Companies must take the necessary measures so that, through appropriate maintenance, the shelves can uphold satisfactory safety conditions throughout their useful life.

AENOR carries out the Technical Inspection of Storage Systems in accordance with the European Standard EN 15635 Storage on metal racks. Use and maintenance of storage equipment. This standard establishes an annual inspection frequency and stipulates that the person responsible for storage equipment safety (PRSES) has to determine the frequency of visual inspections.

The inspection should be performed routinely beginning at ground level where the majority of the damages tend to occur.

Some of these damages are not always visible and can occur when loading and unloading merchandise with handling equipment (forklifts, palettes, etc.).

Some of the requirements included in Standard EN 15635 Storage in metal shelving units.Using and maintaining storage equipment:

  • Damage due to impact on any part of the structure; specifically, damage to braces and crossbars.
  • Vertical braces.
  • Condition and effectiveness of the components: baseplates and connections between crossbars and braces.
  • Cracks in the welds or base materials.
  • Condition of the building floor.
  • Placement of the loads on the palettes.​
  • Placement of the merchandise storage pieces on the rack and on the floor.

Some of the types of storage systems inspected include:

  • Adjustable pallet racking.
  • Compact pallet racking (Drive in and Drive through).
  • Pallet racking with stacker crane S/R.
  • Pallet racking with open front.
  • Miniload racking for individual loads.
  • Manual load racking.
  • Cantilever.
  • Racking with tall aisles.
  • Mobile racking.

Other services: 

  • Plaques
  • Layout
  • UNE 58014 Certificate
  • PRSES training

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