AENOR has been accredited by ENAC for Compliance Management Certification. The standard UNE 19601, aims to reduce exposure to legal risk and to promote a culture of integrity within organisations.
This standard establishes the requirements of a management system to:
Organic Law 1/2015 for the reform of the Penal Code considers crime prevention models as possible factors of exoneration and mitigation of the criminal liability of a legal person, as long as they fulfil a series of requirements.
This standard considers the provisions of Act 1/2015, with respect to the requirements of crime prevention models, and complements these requirements with the best international practices established under the scope of social responsibility, compliance and risk management.
External certification audits of criminal offence prevention models performed by a renowned independent expert such as AENOR are one of the most reliable, effective and transparent ways to respond to these requirements and prove that an organisation and its leaders are explicitly and publicly committed to a culture of compliance.
Organisations of any sector which, by their size, activity, sector, complexity, customer needs, international presence or relevance want to demonstrate their commitment to a culture of fulfilment and prevention of legal risks and of continuous improvement.
Certificado de conformidad de Compliance Penal conforme al Sistema de gestión de compliance penal. Requirements and guidelines for use. Completo y detallado informe de auditoria externa.
UNE Mark Compliance Management 19601
Organisations such as MUTUA MADRILEÑA, CECABANK; ELECNOR, SAREB, TELEFÓNICA, IBERDROLA and ENDESA...... have already obtained the AENOR UNE 19601 certificate.
How to implement a Compliance management system
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Course: Criminal Compliance Management. UNE 19601