In 2015 the Standard ISO 17100 replaced EN 15038 as the standard containing the requirements that a certified translation service must comply with.
Certification in accordance with Standard ISO 17100 covers a range of quality criteria and appropriate measures for which the translation service provider is responsible. The certificate contributes to improving company efficiency, as it sets forth the correct design of aspects such as: the company's management of human resources, which is particularly important in this kind of certification; the correct technical capacity and management of technical resources; the implementation of the organisation's own quality management system, the proper management of translation projects; and, where possible, the application of suitable added-value services.
Benefits for the organisation:
With clients:
Translation service companies.
The ISO international standard 17100 establishes the minimum requirements to enable translation service providers to improve service provision. Implementation of a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 can be fully integrated into the European standard.
Once AENOR considers that the audit process has been passed in accordance with the requirements set out in the Standard ISO 17100, will grant a Translation Services Certificate and a licence to use the AENOR N Translation Services Mark.
N Mark for Translation servicesISO 17100
AENOR has issued certificates to different translation service providers, firstly based on Standard EN 15038 and currently applying the requirements of ISO 17100.